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    Valencia, Spain – March 17, 2019: Several of the thousands of women Falleras who parade down the street of La Paz with their typical Valencian Spanish dresses during the offering of Fallas to the Virgin, seen from behind.

    From Las Fallas to La Tomatina

    Valencia is a festive city. The Fallas, celebrated in March, are probably the city’s best-known celebrations. For several days, the streets of Valencia are filled with huge papier-mâché sculptures called “ninots”. These works of art, which often satirize public figures and current events, are burned on the night of the Cremà, in a spectacular fireworks display.

    But Las Fallas are not the only festival celebrated in Valencia. In August, the nearby town of Buñol hosts La Tomatina, a tomato battle that attracts visitors from all over the world. In October, during the Valencian Community week, concerts, parades, and other events are held throughout the region. And throughout the year, there are a series of music, film, theater, and dance festivals that make Valencia a city full of life and energy.


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